Friday, August 23, 2013

I may not be skinny, but I'm a powerhouse!

I titled this post "I may not be skinny, but I'm a powerhouse!" because it's the truth.

I have accepted that I will never be a 'skinny' person. I just don't have the frame to sustain it. :) However I do workout 1 to 2 times per day and love every second of it! I even have a Pinterest board to showcase working out and eating right.

I wasn't always into fitness like I am now. Sure I was 'athletic' in high school playing basketball and softball and once in college getting really involved with rowing for the crew club.

So what made me want to be strong and healthy? It was the birth of my daughter. I want to always be able to keep up with her and be someone she looks up to as a strong, independent women.

It all clicked one day when I was at work and I was giving a presentation and forgot my wireless mouse back in my office.  I 'jogged' back to my cube and found myself so winded that I had to let someone present before me so I could catch my breathe!

That very minute I realized that I had to do something and started P90X in my basement that next week.  In my first year I lost over 50lbs. Since then I have been dabbling in everything Beachbody. I have enjoyed Insanity and Insanity Asylum and now am involved with their latest Focus T25.

By far my favorite due to not having to get up at 4:15am to fit it in before the morning routine starts and off to work.

When you aren't in the mood to workout it's so easy to wrap your head around 25 minutes and it gets me out of bed every time.  I also try to get a workout in during work. Either a synergistic workout or a hard spin class.

I would say that I have a healthy addiction to working out. I love pushing myself and focusing on how my body is functioning during my workouts and I live for how I feel afterwards. My energy increases even after the hardest workout.

I also do a #PlankChallenge almost nightly. For over 30 days now I have been doing this and it's a simple low plank on your elbows, hips tucked under, weight in your heels and I hold it for as long as I can.  I started struggling to hold 30 seconds and just last night pulled a personal best of 04:17:26! My goal is 5 minutes then I'll try a different challenge. Perhaps a #PushUpChallenge?

I strongly believe that I have a 6 pack, it is just well protected :)

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