Sunday, March 30, 2014

Hats off to Disney, they deserve a warm hug

Disney did an amazing job with their latest movie.  In case you have been living in a cave and this is the first thing you are reading after landing free WiFi. (Man do I wish) I am referring to FROZEN. It has gone viral, caught on fire and is running wild all at the same time.

My actual first experience with this movie was looking up what all the hubbub was about on YouTube. My favorite has to be these two adorable little girls, Maddie and Zoe singing "Let It Go". 

My take away from this video was that kids rock! These girls are 4! I took my daughter who hasn't enjoyed any movie yet in her 5 years to see this in the theater. (For some reason she gets overwhelmed with them.  I am not sure if it's her imagination running ahead of the story-line or if she dreads what she doesn't know will happen next.)

She was immediately absorbed in it. There were some situations that she cuddled in closely but the soundtrack and amazing creativity that Disney is known for pulled her attention back from fear to wonder.

Since that day we now play a made up game called "Frozen". We also play the section when Elsa is climbing the mountain and singing 'Let it Go' on YouTube every morning before school.

We gave my daughter the soundtrack and she immediately opened the case and placed it directly into her Barbie CD Player...and this was her 20 minutes later (Please note: She is 5 years old and this is the most she has stayed still; well, ever.)

I honestly enjoy everything about Frozen, the movie, the soundtrack and how much imagination it allows my daughter to use.  Disney has outdone themselves this time and I can't wait for the Elsa princess dress to come out.  I can see the look on my daughters face now. She has one or two for every other princess dress and this one would totally make her day.

There has been a lot said about what Disney was thinking when they created this movie. Where did they see this one going?  It is the first movie that they have done where it seemed that they were giving the female character some independence.  I found this mix on YouTube with my daughter and it has turned into one of her favorite videos.  I think it's just because it has all the princesses in it, but I know when she wants to listen to it because she says, "Can I know, 'I don't need a man'?" Watch and you'll see. An interesting message:

If you haven't seen Frozen, go see it, don't walk, run to the closest theater or Redbox kiosk. If you don't have kids, don't worry, you don't need 'em.  Kids and adults alike will enjoy this movie.  

By the end you will have a deep connection with Sven and Christophe. Not to mention you really will want a warm hug from Olaf and see him experiencing summer.

Don't slam the door, you don't have to keep your distance ... for the first time in forever ... you can go watch a kids movie.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Just announced! Frozen is the Winner of the best animated feature and best original song "Let it go" academy award.