Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Let's call it Transformation Tuesday

In social media there are tons of things that can pop up as discussion starters.  One of my favorite is Throw Back Thursday or #tbt. Basically a day that we can say 'remember when' and either post a story from a long time ago or share a picture of an old hairstyle or one of you hanging out with old friends, doing fun stuff you just don't get to do anymore.

In the fitness world, 'Transformation Tuesday' or #TT, has popped up.  And I like it.  I have seen so many inspirational photos of folks sharing their fitness successes and wins.  Amazing amounts of effort go into working out and eating right. Not to mention the will power that it takes to stay consistent with the new lifestyle.  Fitness isn't just a diet or going to the gym, it is eating right and moving regularly. It is also the understanding that you aren't fat, you have fat.  Fat does not define you. 

As I have learned during my continual transformation in the last 5 years, the only way to truly make progress is to be doing it for yourself, no one else. Of course, it is a bonus that others can enjoy a stronger, more positive you too but you have to be putting 110% into living every day with working out and eating right.  Only you can do the work.  I have started equating my food choices with how many burpees, push-ups and high knees it would take to get it off my hips or belly. It really seems to give what I place into my body some perspective.  

I have also learned that a sense of accomplishment comes from seeing the results.   Seeing is believing.  Do my pants fit, even better are they loose; should I go shopping for new ones?! 

I typically do not take before and after pictures when starting a new workout routine. I thought that weight and inches were enough. But we all know that when our weight plateaus, for a number of different reasons, it can cause us to lose motivation and even hope. 

So when I put this photo together for a Transformation Tuesday a few weeks ago it truly made me see how motivating a picture can be.  

My daughter and I
2009 compared to 2014
It demonstrates how unimportant weight is.  In 30 days I might not see a huge fluctuation in my weight on a scale, perhaps a 1/2 pound up or down but when I take a picture of myself I can SEE the difference. Whether it be the definition in my arms or the way my curves now look from the front and side views.  

I have been taking my pictures now from the start of my latest Beachbody workout, P90X3.  I am finishing up the 90 days this week and the Day 1 compared to Day 30 wasn't a huge change but kept me motivated to make more progress. Then came Day 1 compared to Day 60...WOW...the difference was unreal.  I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't taken the photos myself and it pushed me even harder to finish up strong.  Stay tuned to my next Transformation Tuesday post for my results.

I invite you to join in on Transformation Tuesdays, if not this Tuesday...take your pictures and work hard and share in a few weeks.

2009 compared to 2014

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