Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Like a new person

Let's kick off #TT [Tranformation Tuesday] with a style change. 

Do you ever feel like you are stuck in a rut? Going through every day same as the last.  I love my routine, don't get me wrong. Sometimes however, I need to change it up a bit.  I need to do something different with myself. Sometimes it's a trip to the outlets for some 'hip' new outfits for the coming season.  Sometimes it is as easy as hitting the spa for a day to myself including a massage, pedi- and manicure. 

I think that being in a relationship makes me want this more.  I want to stay interesting and fresh for my spouse.  Sometimes it's as easy as a new hat, but there are times you need to go for a more extreme change.

It turns out that cutting my hair and switching from contact lenses to glasses (both things I have sported for more than a decade without much adjustment) really can hit the nail on the head.  I feel younger, more energized and glasses do make you feel smarter, I don't care who you are.

You need to enjoy who you are both inside and out.  I workout to be strong and keep myself fit which in turn changes my body.  But to change your 'style' from long hair to short and/or to add glasses as an accessory is such a small thing in the scheme of things but can make you feel like a whole new person.

What do you think?! 

So if you seem 'blah' or stuck in a rut, freshen things up and try something new.  I did and I don't regret it for a second.

WARNING: It might take your family and friends a bit of getting used to.  

I had those that loved my new look immediately and I also had those that preferred the 'other' version of me.  The important thing is how you feel; and i feel GREAT! 

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