Saturday, May 24, 2014

7 Day Challenge with Chalene

I found this challenge that we can do over and over again.  It is for 7 days and for true success you should buddy up with friends and others with the same goals.  I would love to start a challenge group for this.  Would you be interested in staying accountable for 7 days and complete this challenge with us? The best part, it was created by one of Beachbody's amazing coaches, Chalene Johnson! 

Here are the details that Chalene lays out: 

1. Enter your email address on the challenge page.
2. Check your inbox for my instructions including the workout suggestions, suggested meal planning and the guidelines in an easy to understand email
3. Every workout can be done at home and with minimal or zero equipment.
4. The key is accountability!! Don't invite someone to do this with you who might let you off the hook! Invite your friend who you KNOW will kick butt and keep you TRUE!
For 7 DAYS you will Eat Clean and Train Lean. Workouts and featured recipes will be posted here daily. 
*Workout ideas posted here
*mix and match workouts
*modify to meet your needs
*workouts can be broken up
*focus primarily on intensity
*1 hr of exercise everyday
View the original Post by Chalene Johnson herself, which includes a video showing what sorts of exercises she will be sharing with us. #Chalene7Day

Who's up for this 7 day challenge?  I would like to put all folks that are interested in doing this take part in my Facebook Challenge Group so we can keep accountable together and I will also be posting Charlene's posts on the Challenge page so we all are doing the same activities at the same time.  Visit my #iworkout Facebook group and LIKE it to get additional tips and motivation/inspiration about fitness and healthy eating.  Comment on this post or on the #iworkout Facebook page to let me know you are interested and I will add you to my Private #ChallengeAccepted Facebook group. 

I have already signed up and here is a sneak peek: 

Let's do this! 

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