Friday, May 23, 2014

Popular Fitness Question...How do I get flat abs?

I know it's the question that I ask myself all the time...How do I get flat abs? How do I get my stomach to be sleek and flat and looking great in a bathing suit? 

I have done a combination of 6 Beachbody products over the last 4 years. 
[P90X, Insanity, Asylum, T25, P90X3 and 21 Day Fix]

I have lost and gained back several pounds and have just recently realized in the last 6 months the importance of diet and nutrient. With this golden gem I have been able to really cut down and keep the weight off even in between programs.   

The last thing to go is your fat reserves that usually sit on your thighs, upper arms and stomach.  I have recently lost several inches on my thighs and my arms are starting to go now, I have huge hopes that my stomach is next. I will be starting TurboFire at the end of June to help melt off the rest with some awesome dance cardio with Charlene! 

This video helps put it into perspective.  

You look better than you think you do.  Good thought to keep in mind.

Here are some of my latest before and after pictures. 

I have come a long way but am definitely still a work in progress and am driven by seeing my results and determined to hit my stretch weight goal.  I started 4 years ago at approx 250 lbs and today I am sitting at 171 lbs.  With a year in there where I struggled to stay on program and sat between 185 and 199, never hitting over 200 because I made that my ceiling.  I promised myself after getting under 200 lbs that I would never see that number on my scale again.  Well, let me tell you this, I have decided to change my ceiling.  My ceiling is now 180 and that ceiling will be reduced my 5 lbs for every 5 lbs I lose.  

It's all a mind game...keep goals and stretch goals in the front of your mind, better yet, write them down, post them on your fridge, on your bathroom mirror and every day work on them.  No excuses.  #iworkout

I know that I can get my stomach to be flat and my abs to be defined.  I have people that doubt me, they doubt that my skin will shrink back...all I have to say is #ChallengeAccepted! I know that my skin may not totally fit to my body as it once did when I was in my 20s but I also know that it can be better than it is! Who's with me! Let's win the battle of our own bulge! Let's stay accountable and say goodbye to our belly fat.  It won't be easy, it actually will be the most difficult thing that we will do on our transformation journey but we have each other as a support system! 

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