Thursday, April 3, 2014

Another exciting chapter...

It's time to add another exciting chapter to my life.

You may have seen this logo may even have scrolled across your TV at some point.

My personal adventure with Beachbody started 4 years ago.  I hit a wall one day when running to a meeting at work; which I was obviously late for and when I got there I couldn't put two words together due to my wheezing.  It wasn't only embarrassing but it was alarm bells going off in my head.  I had a one year old at home, I needed to be healthy for her and for me. 

I started asking folks at the office what they were doing for exercise. P90X was thrown out there along with the comment about anyone being able to do it.  So I dabbled with a co-workers copy in the gym at work and then DECIDED to take it home and COMMIT.  And after 90 days I was 20 lbs down and feeling amazing! Add on an Insanity challenge, a little Asylum and 2 years later I was down 50 lbs! 

With a bulk of the weight off I was more energetic than ever and determined to be as healthy as I could be.  I wasn't aware of it but I had become addicted.  If I wasn't getting up and working out everyday I just wasn't feeling quite right. There are healthy addictions! 

So the new chapter in my life is about truly helping people get healthy and fit. I want to stop my own trend of obesity and pay it forward.

It's all about my health and fitness, it's not a diet, it's a lifestyle. It's how I am choosing to live my life. 

For me it's all about: 
1. Gaining strength
2. Gaining energy
3. and the freedom to do what I want

Accountability is the key to fitness success.  
Before Beachbody I didn’t have accountability, it’s part of my life now, like brushing my teeth. If I don’t get to workout at least once a day, you don’t want to be around me J

What do you want in life?  When I ask myself this question my answer it forward. I want to help others realize their true potential.  There is no reason why we all can't be fit and healthy by deciding to make the commitment.  

It’s not about weight loss.  That’s just an awesome side effect. 
Incredible fitness programs, incredible nutritional products and an incredible support system!

You have to work hard… it’s not a diet or a quick fix! 

Im a Beachbody Coach! BOOM!

Let me help motivate you and hold you accountable for eating right and fueling your body for a healthy more fit you.  And you can help me write this exciting new chapter in my life!

Engage with me and let me help you stay motivated and accountable. Reaching a new stage in your life.

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My Beachbody Coach page
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