Tuesday, May 20, 2014

What can you do in 21 days?

When I think of 21 days it just doesn't seem long enough to see real results with a workout program.  Usually the programs run from 60 to 90 days but 21? That doesn't give any time for 'falling off the wagon' or 'cheat days'.  I actually started to doubt myself and actually getting the results I wanted in such a short amount of time.

In true #iworkout fashion I buckled down the second the box showed up on my door step.  I got excited to jump in with both feet.

There is a huge difference with 21 Day Fix over all other Beachbody programs. This program is designed by Autumn specifically to help you learn portion control, healthy food choices and keeping up with a 30 minute workout routine daily.  I ordered the challenge pack so was introducing myself into a new product, Shakeology.  Huge steps were being taken this time around.  A new program, a new method and adding a meal replacement.  I was apprehensive at first but by day 2 I was well on my way to success.

The workouts were amazing! Fun, new and fresh. After having Shaun T for T25 and Tony Horton in P90X3 Autumn was a great change and just what I needed.  After each working I experimented with my Shakeology, which I used as a meal replacement for breakfast. I ordered Strawberry and was shocked at how good it was alone and impressed with how awesome it became when adding things like unsweetened almond milk, a 1/2 banana, some PB2 (peanut butter powder with 85% less calories than regular PB). YUM.

My meals were all measured out on Sunday's - fruit or what I now refer to 'purple' items were all divided up and measured so I could quickly grab them for work.  My greens, reds and yellows quickly turned into complete meals that resulted in satisfying and filling meals.  It was amazing.  I was learning how to live again.

I quickly started referring to what I was doing was "fueling the machine - not feeding the face".  I just didn't need all of the calories I was putting in before.  Also during these 3 weeks I started running! Me, running?! I know.  What I found was it was an amazing change of pace where my body was doing something completely different and getting an amazing cardio workout.  I run 3 times a week and worked up to 5 miles quickly.  I was able to ramp so quickly because of my strength from Beachbody programs.  Before I just jiggled all over and hurt every where afterwards. Now with the core strength and strong quads and calves I found myself really enjoying the run and having the muscle support to handle it, no more pain, minimal jiggle.

So how did I do? The 21 days did fly by and didn't leave any room to lose focus.  I stuck with the program and worked hard.

Start weight: 178 lbs
End weight: 171 lbs
Total Loss: 7 lbs

Gained during the 21 days: the knowledge of how to measure and eat the appropriate foods to fuel my body, a more toned body and even hit a long time goal of being able to do one real PULL UP!

Because result photos speak louder than all of the words in this blog post...

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